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Freitag, 16. April 2004
mr. x, 19:41h

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just thinkin`
mr. x, 19:38h
"Du mußt verrückt sein."
"Ich mein`, du bist verrückt."
Ok, dann bin ich halt verrückt.
"Du weißt schon , früher...."
Früher? Früher war früher, jetzt ist jetzt.
"Schon, aber..."
Nichts aber.
"Na, wenn..."
Hm...was willst Du mir eigentlich sagen?
Shut up.
"Ich mein`, du bist verrückt."
Ok, dann bin ich halt verrückt.
"Du weißt schon , früher...."
Früher? Früher war früher, jetzt ist jetzt.
"Schon, aber..."
Nichts aber.
"Na, wenn..."
Hm...was willst Du mir eigentlich sagen?
Shut up.
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Chop Suey
mr. x, 18:58h

[Hopper Edward]
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die guten, alten Römer...
mr. x, 18:49h
Ne perturbere, ac magis bono animo fac sis!
Lass dich nicht verwirren, sorg lieber dafür, dass du gut gelaunt bist!
...[Augustinus, De quantitate animi 61]
Linque severa!
Lass den Ernst beiseite!
...[Horatius, Carmina 3. 8,28]

[Roy Lichtenstein/Temple, 1964]
Lass dich nicht verwirren, sorg lieber dafür, dass du gut gelaunt bist!
...[Augustinus, De quantitate animi 61]
Linque severa!
Lass den Ernst beiseite!
...[Horatius, Carmina 3. 8,28]
[Roy Lichtenstein/Temple, 1964]
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mr. x, 18:19h
...for tran·quil·(l)i·ty [] s
Ruhe f; Gelassenheit f.
Ruhe f; Gelassenheit f.
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Sweetest Perfection
mr. x, 17:47h
The sweetest perfection
To call my own
The slightest correction
Couldn`t finely hone
The sweetest infection
Of body and mind
Sweetest injection
Of any kind
I stop and I stare too much
Afraid that I care too much
And I hardly dare to touch
For fear that the spell may be broken
When I need a drug in me
And it brings out the thug in me
Feel something tugging me
Then I want the real thing not tokens
Things you`d expect to be
Having effect on me
Pass undetectedly
But everyone knows what has got me
Takes me completely
Touches me sweetly
Reaches so deeply
I know that nothing can stop me
Sweetest perfection
An offer was made
An assorted collection
But I wouldn`t trade
Takes me completely
Touches so sweetly
Reaches so deeply
Nothing can stop me
Martin L.Gore
Band Depeche Mode
Album Violator
Year 1990

To call my own
The slightest correction
Couldn`t finely hone
The sweetest infection
Of body and mind
Sweetest injection
Of any kind
I stop and I stare too much
Afraid that I care too much
And I hardly dare to touch
For fear that the spell may be broken
When I need a drug in me
And it brings out the thug in me
Feel something tugging me
Then I want the real thing not tokens
Things you`d expect to be
Having effect on me
Pass undetectedly
But everyone knows what has got me
Takes me completely
Touches me sweetly
Reaches so deeply
I know that nothing can stop me
Sweetest perfection
An offer was made
An assorted collection
But I wouldn`t trade
Takes me completely
Touches so sweetly
Reaches so deeply
Nothing can stop me
Martin L.Gore
Band Depeche Mode
Album Violator
Year 1990

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